Saturday, October 20, 2012

Let Us Begin

Good luck, Bishop. I'll win this Game.

For those of you who were referred here by James, let me give you the heads up on what's going on. We're going to be playing a version of the Reaper's Game. James, the moderator, will send out a mass text at a certain time each day, giving hints to a location we must reach or an action we must complete. The first person to reach the designated area, or to send a picture of the completed action, wins that Day. 

The one with the most points wins. 

Oh, and if you're caught by the Reapers, those who patrol the roads looking for Players, and are shot by their paintball gun, you're Erased. However, if you get them first, you Erase them. If you're Erased, you're removed from the game until the next Week.

The Game begins tomorrow.

The current Players* are:
Myself (Derek)
White Knight
Black Knight
Reckless Pawn

*note that some Players didn't want me to use their names, for whatever reason. Runner and down are all titles or aliases, Scott and up are actual names. 

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