"Attention: a Reaper has been stationed near the retired movies. Erase him. You have 120 minutes. Fail, and face Erasure.
- The Reapers"
This one was fairly new, since, in my two years of playing the game, the mission has never been to Erase somebody, though it's a perfectly legal mission (Erasing other Players, however, is illegal). The retired movies obviously meant the discount theater.
We had to be careful, though. Reapers take 5 hits to take down, whereas players only take one, and Reapers get automatic paintball guns. This meant that we had to employ a bit of strategy. He was hanging out behind the theater before the main rush, so nobody really saw us ambush him. I shot from one side, while Reckless Pawn shot from the other, then we split in opposite directions and continued to harry him. He took him down before he could really hit us. We then asked him to send a message to the Moderator to confirm our victory.
And then he got mad. He was all red in the face and livid. Apparently the Moderator hadn't told him that he was the target for today. He started screaming and yelling at us. My head started hurting like hell and my asthma flared up, so I started to cough.
But that wasn't the only thing.
I saw somebody behind him, trying to sneak up on us, but he wasn't doing a very good job of it. Dressed in black, and he looked like he was wearing a mask of some sort. I pointed it out, but then a coughing fit came over me. I was vaguely aware that both turned to look. My coughing fit subsided, and since the Reaper had stopped shouting, my headache faded to a dull throb, thank God. It was weird, though. The Reaper didn't see the guy, but my Partner did.
The Reaper was still pissed at us, but let us go, since that was technically the mission. So, we won today. That's two missions for us, one for Bishop.
I also just found out that two Players (Ice and Falen) ambushed the wrong Reaper and got Erased.
The current Players* are:
Myself (Derek)
Myself (Derek)
White Knight
Black Knight
Reckless Pawn
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